Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract

Design Process

Understand the real world


Mental health is an integral part and an essential component of our health. The research shows that awareness of one's mood has been linked to better health outcomes. Understanding and listening to ourselves are crucial, and many people want to live more mindfully, looking for ways to improve their health and well-being. Many mood-related apps do not provide one and only solution that perfectly solves users' concerns.

Inspirational apps in the market

Inspirational Projects

These two projects, Reflectly and Daylio Journal, inspired me to start the MoodOn project. The key factors, understanding individual habits and keeping a private journal structured the basic understanding of MoodOn.

How is this project unique?


  • Focusing on the user to make the best choice for their health.
  • Checks for moods, weather, intensity, stress level, feelings, and emotions.
  • Tracks mood to recommend exercise activities based on current conditions (weather, mood, location)
  • Record daily mood/log to understand oneself and improve individual’s habits.
  • Chatbot buddy that is always there to listen and provide suggestions or any advice service.
  • Help users to reduce stress and lonesome feelings
  • Meet and get in touch with other members of the community.
How does this help me?


  • I want to track my mood just like a diary to observe and improve my health.
  • Develop design and research skills (survey, analytics, illustrator, photoshop, Adobe XD, and Figma).
  • To apply digital and design solutions for addressing real-life issues related to smartphone usage and the avoidance of physical activities.

Unique positioning

Mental health is an integral part and an essential component of our health. The research shows that awareness of one's mood has been linked to better health outcomes. Understanding and listening to ourselves are crucial, and many people want to live more mindfully, looking for ways to improve their health and well-being. Many mood-related apps do not provide one and only solution that perfectly solves users' concerns.

MoodOn is different from other apps; it gives each individual a perfect and unique solution after the user inputs their current mood and condition. It suggests various exercise activities, suggestions for efficient resting and healing techniques, and a chatbot service that helps vent. It reduces stress by conversing with the character 'Moodon.' The user can record their thoughts and emotions and keep track of detailed statistics on mood changes. MoodOn will become a perfect solution to help people better communicate themselves.

Consultant Expert

Jimin Kim is an art curator who works at the Kukje Gallery located in Seoul, Korea, and she is also a part-time Pilates instructor on weekends. She works so hard as an art curator and knows so well about the body and its structure as a professional Pilates instructor; her experience will help me explore how emotions and mood impacts one’s body and find the right balance.

A brief interview on the phone:

  • The phone reminder will help users return and record their moods each day.
  • Please don’t make it too fancy with designs; clean and straightforward visuals are much more settled and not too complex.
  • Don’t give orders or instructions; provide suggestions to users so they have the option to make a decision.
Competitor Research

Competitive Analysis

I have compared the MoodOn app to other competitors out in the market. Based on the research, specific features showed weaknesses even in popular apps. MoodOn is highly competitive when compared to other apps. Ability to record daily routine and mood, exercise recommendation, rest technique suggestions, detailed progress reports, a chatbot that friends with the user, and mood check-in that checks the user’s moods.


EMMO-Mood diary

  • Simple and straightforward user interface
  • Adorable designs and and a safe place to record emotions and expressions daily
  • Good features (no ads, unlock stickers, themes…) need to subscribe to use advanced features
  • Many descriptions are in Chinese

Nike Run Club

  • App connects with smartwatches, health, activity data (GPS)
  • Intuitive User Interface, large fonts, and icons, map routes
  • Shows detailed activity data
  • Strong organized list of guided runs, challenges, events
  • Some measurements are inaccurate
  • There is no place to note how runners feel after the run
  • No specific rewards after the run

Target Audience

Primary Audience
  • Individuals who like to try new things for health (Age: 15 ~ 60s).
  • Understanding health, body structure, feelings and moods are essential considerations - taking care of oneself.
  • Like to stay fit, balanced, healthy.
Secondary Audience
  • Eager to know how to rest properly for mental and body well-being. (Age > 60).
  • Need personal advice and guidance to help them change the routine.
  • Guidance to help recover body and mind.
  • Reduce stress and lonesome feelings.
Target Audience Research

Target Audience

What makes you initialize doing exercise at a particular time of the day?

  • Daily routine (58.3%)
  • Mood / Interests (33.3%)
  • Just following friends (8%)

How do you spend your free time?

  • Watching something (33.3%)
  • Window shopping (0%)
  • Exercise (16.7%)
  • Spending time with friends (25%)
  • Doing nothing- feeling unproductive (25%)

When you feel overwhelmed, do you think the change of scenery, (totally doing different things), will make you feel better?

  • Yes (66.7%)
  • No (33.3%)

What is your exercise preference?

  • Home Training (33.3%)
  • Outside activities (25%)
  • Indoor activities (33.3%)
  • I just follow where my friends go (8%)
Target Audience Insights

Target Audience

33% of participants stay at home and watch something during their free time

33% of participants prefer to stay at home and do home exercise training by following YouTube

25% of participants do nothing in their free time, but 66% of participants like to do something that will help them make feel better

1st Persona


Jenna Lee
  • Age: 32
  • Occupation: Financial Analyst
  • Status: Single
  • Location: Seoul, Korea
  • Education: Economics

About / Problems & Needs

  • Enjoying stays at 5-star hotels in Korea (food, massage, fitness center).
  • While her family goes outside to tour, she likes to spend her time in the fitness center all day to exercise.
  • Sometimes get sick of doing the same exercise. (Treadmill, biking, climbing stairs).

Expected Benefits

  • Devote quality time with family, creating enjoyable moments for everyone.
  • Friendly assistant who can make daily exercise enjoyable and captivating.

Expected Features

  • Reminder alarm that notifies the user to do different exercise based on exercise tracking history (time, place, type of activity).
  • Recommend outdoor activities.
  • Easy system to reserve spots for certain classes (group classes for tennis, swimming, etc.).

Problem with this project

  • Might not be able to record mood every day and just want the activity recommendation.


  • Ability to check my body condition - recommends whether to higher up or lower the intensity for the next exercise.
1st Persona

User Story

Jenna, a financial analyst working in Seoul, South Korea, originally hails from the United States. After graduating college in Boston, she decided to embark on a new life adventure in Korea. Jenna's passion for sports and extracurricular activities dates back to her high school years, and she continues to pursue these interests with enthusiasm. She's an outgoing and extroverted individual who thrives on new experiences, especially those that keep her physically active.

Jenna's sports repertoire is diverse, ranging from tennis, badminton, squash, golf, climbing, horse riding, skiing, to fencing. She cherishes outdoor activities and frequently engages in them with friends and members of her community. However, Jenna's desire to explore various engaging activities often leaves her feeling overwhelmed. The multitude of options, each with its own set of restrictions based on skill levels, makes it challenging for her to decide which activity to pursue on a given day. This abundance of choices can sometimes lead to decision fatigue, resulting in her repeating the same exercise routine and leaving her hoping for a solution that simplifies the selection process by providing exercise recommendations tailored to her preferences and abilities.

1st Persona


2nd Persona


  • Age: 26
  • Occupation: Freelance Model
  • Status: Single
  • Location: Seoul, Korea
  • Education: Economics

About / Problems & Needs

  • Professional freelance model mainly for fashion magazines.
  • Too stressed doing diet every day.
  • Her work requires her to be skinny, so she is less eating but overly exercising each day.
  • She needs to listen and feel her body’s needs and needs a resting day.

Expected Benefits

  • Smart and healthy rest day needed.
  • Learn how to rest and care for the body by doing a self-care routine.

Expected Features

  • Notification that cares me well - like a gym buddy or instructor.
  • Various stress relief menus or options are needed
  • When taking a break from exercising, need a smart self-care option to spend the rest day wisely.
  • Community to help and share feelings to go through the challenge.

Problem with this project

  • Feels like whenever the user inputs their moods, it’s focused on guiding the user to go outside and do outdoor exercise activities such as going to the gym, skating, biking, or skiing.


  • Following a workout, it can be beneficial to offer choices that enable me to log my post-exercise emotions, my post-workout state, or receive encouraging messages that acknowledge my achievements and affirm my capability to overcome challenges.
2nd Persona

User Story

Jieun, a dedicated freelance model in Seoul, South Korea, is highly regarded by photographers for her unwavering professionalism, which includes maintaining her body weight diligently. She follows a strict regimen of minimal food intake and rigorous exercise, leaving little time for activities beyond work. This lifestyle limits her ability to socialize with friends on weekends, as fatigue sets in quickly. Even during her downtime, she finds it challenging to relax, often feeling compelled to keep herself occupied.

Jieun, as a dedicated professional in the modeling industry, yearns for a change from her monotonous daily routine. She desires to break free from the excessive exercise regimen that consumes her time. However, she's uncertain about how to utilize her rest days effectively, other than working and exercising, and experiences fatigue and a lack of energy when not engaged in work.

In search of rejuvenation and self-care, Jieun is seeking a platform that can provide her with a comprehensive routine tailored to her mood, physical condition, and mental state. This tailored self-care plan should encompass activities like stretching and meditation to promote her body's recovery and overall well-being, allowing her to make the most of her rest days.

2nd Persona


3rd Persona


  • Age: 38
  • Occupation: Marketer
  • Status: Single
  • Location: Manhattan, NY
  • Education: Media

About / Problems & Needs

  • Having a hard time with insomnia and feeling tired all day - not satisfied with daily routine.
  • Someone who can sincerely talk to and who can counsel her.
  • Improve her lifestyle by doing new things she never tried previously.

Expected Benefits

  • A Daily buddy who is available at all times willing to listen and share thoughts, feelings, and concerns.
  • Who can counsel her mindfully.
  • Feeling/mood tracker to see and find a point where she can improve her satisfaction.

Expected Features

  • Mood tracker / mood progress.
  • Chat service that is available at all times.
  • Notification/alert that cares her health and condition from time to time.

Problem with this project

  • The app might not recommend the suitable exercise activities that the user wants at that moment.


  • It may be necessary to strike a balance between tracking moods and suggesting exercise activities effectively.
3rd Persona

User Story

Mary is a dedicated marketing professional working at a prominent company in Manhattan, New York. Her strong work ethic and commitment to achieving the best results have driven her to take on increasing responsibilities as her team expands. While Mary finds genuine fulfillment in her work and is reluctant to take breaks, her body is showing signs of strain. The heavy workload has become burdensome, leading to insomnia and persistent fatigue, which, in turn, has adversely affected her productivity.

As the stress mounts and her work performance wanes, Mary finds herself caught in a distressing cycle. Despite her busy work schedule, she also grapples with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Mary refrains from discussing her concerns openly with her friends, as they are mostly married, and she doesn't wish to burden them with her stress. This leaves her in search of someone to confide in and share her worries.

Mary is in pursuit of a change in her daily routine and is seeking a reliable companion who can provide a listening ear and empathetic understanding, allowing her to alleviate her stress. She is open to receiving guidance from MoodOn that can contribute to her well-being. Additionally, Mary desires the ability to track her mood to monitor her progress and improvements over time.

3rd Persona


Card Sort

Task Flow 1

Card Sort

Task Flow 2

Card Sort

Task Flow 3







Low Fidelity Screens

Primary (1)

Low Fidelity Screens

Primary (1-2)

Low Fidelity Screens

Secondary (1)

Low Fidelity Screens

Secondary (1-2)

Low Fidelity Screens

Tertiary (1)

Low Fidelity Screens

Tertiary (1-2)

Visual Inspiration

Mood Board

The app's overall visual design radiates energy, enjoyment, and vibrancy. This lively mood board sets the visual direction for creating the high-fidelity screens in the Mood On app.

Before we start...

Ideally, my project would…

Empower users to foster an active, well-balanced lifestyle by suggesting exercise routines, relaxation methods, and a chatbot service aimed at enhancing physical and mental well-being.

Realistically, I can
  • Design the app interface that solves the user’s needs.
  • Update, develop and maintain detailed design patterns to make it user-friendly.
  • Prototype with interactions that can be used for validation and user-testing
Rough sketch to final design

Logo Design

Task #1


Jenny Lee


  • She selects the Exercise button to get all the suggested exercise recommendation.
  • She inputs the mood and condition option check to see customized exercise recommendation that perfectly fits her body condition.
  • She observes the benefits of a particular activity and checks the availability of local clubs nearby. She might join the club if that matches her interest.
  • She observes her activity progress and checks her mood to find areas to improve.
Primary Flow

Key Features

Provide exercise recommendations tailored to the user's emotional state and physical condition.

Users can effortlessly indicate their emotional state and physical condition. MoodOn will then offer exercise activity suggestions that align perfectly with the user's mood, requirements, and preferences.

1st High-Fidelity Screens

Exercise Recommendation

Task #2


Jenny Lee


  • She selects the Rest button to get all the suggested resting technique recommendations.
  • By choosing the priority goals, she is letting the system know why she needs resting techniques.
  • After browsing through all the resting techniques, she decides the activity that best suits her and her needs at that moment.
  • She writes a journal of anything that comes to mind or any thoughts after taking meditation.
Secondary Flow

Key Features

Suggest relaxation techniques based on the user's moods and condition.

Users can readily specify the objectives they wish to attain during their relaxation sessions. MoodOn will recommend a range of restful techniques that align seamlessly with the user's mood, requirements, and preferences.

2nd High-Fidelity Screens

Resting Technique

Task #3


Jenny Lee


  • She selects the “Meet Moodo” button to start the conversation with the character Moodo.
  • She chooses the emotion character to begin the conversation.
  • She continues the conversation with Moodo and talks about her concerns and worries- releasing stress.
  • She welcomes any suggestions that Moodo suggests.
Tertiary Flow

Key Features

Chatbot Moodo is a friendly automated chatbot service designed to assess users' moods and conditions with the aim of assisting users in reducing stress.

Moodo, an automated chatbot, conducts daily assessments of users' moods and conditions. Users can engage in conversations with Moodo through text input or an automated system. At the conclusion of the interaction, users are guided to a journaling page where they can record their emotions and thoughts.

3rd High-Fidelity Screens

Chatbot Moodo

A/B Test

Find out which one performs better-
This test helped me figure out which user experience makes more sense and is easier to use for the user.

Conducted prototype test to determine the best user experience for the user.

Improvements to make

Paper Prototype Test

Name: Linda

  • Suggests more buttons to make everything easy to find.
  • Had a difficult time finding the (Exercise, rest, chatbot) activity option at first.

Name: Sook

  • Pull-up menu for more activity lists may be difficult for some users to find and use.
  • The icon in writing journal section may confuse others since the new journal page is already empty and user can just click on it to start writing.

Name: Jinhee

  • Had a hard time finding how to end the chat.
  • Did not understood why the user had to select priority goals again in the resting section.
  • Some wordings on buttons are confused.

A/B Test

Which one is clearer to see the date, A (List type) or B (Only the date at the bottom of the screen)?

A/B Test Result

80% people prefer option B.

A/B Test Feedback

  • A is more complicated. User needs to scroll all the way down to see the very last journal.
  • B is much clearer, and there is also an option to start writing as soon as they see the screen.
  • B also has red dots that show how much the user has written on that day.
Based on Paper Prototype Test

Implementation of Changes

  • It might confuse the user if they don’t have clear instruction on why they need to choose things again.
  • Gives more clear instruction
  • Unnecessary icon on top left
Based on Paper Prototype Test

Implementation of Changes

  • User is unable to find the option to end the conversation


  • Pop up message to guide the user how to end the conversation
Based on Paper Prototype Test

Implementation of Changes

  • Confused about where to click to start writing a journal
  • Removed the icon since the user can just click on gray space to start writing- added more information on the gray part as well
  • Added the scroll bar- Let the user know that there are more contents below
Based on Paper Prototype Test

Implementation of Changes

  • Hard to recognize that there is a pull-up menu
  • A more clear way to exit the meditation is needed
  • Enlarged the pull-up menu
  • Also, slightly added contents inside the pull-up menu so that the user is aware of something is hidden in the pull-up menu
  • Added the exit icon so the user can exit the meditation at any time
Based on Paper Prototype Test

Implementation of Changes

  • Instead of clicking select button, the user just waited after swiping through the characters
  • Texts are hard to read
  • Changed the wording of the button to make it clearer
  • Enlarged the text size
Based on Paper Prototype Test

Implementation of Changes

  • Creates animatic feeling when using tooltip
  • Minimized the icon size
  • Slide-up effect and large box to clearly indicate each activity listed inside the main menu button
2023 Improvements -

Chatbot Moodo Enhancements

In 2022, I initiated and successfully completed the MoodOn project. After a comprehensive review of the project, I decided to improve the Chatbot Moodo feature, making it more user-friendly and incorporating advanced functionalities to ensure that Chatbot Moodo stands out as a competitive and distinctive offering in the market. Here are the key feature enhancements:

Easy access to Moodo

Press and hold the Moodo in home screen for easy access

Advanced feature: Chatbot Moodo

Moodo summarizes the user’s activity; Users can resume the activities they have left doing


Community channel to connect with others

A/B Test

Find out which one performs better-
This test helped me figure out which user experience makes more sense and is easier to use for the user.

Conducted prototype test to determine the best user experience for the user.

2023 Improvements
Easy access to Moodo

Four main menu

To simplify access to Chatbot Moodo, users can simply click on the Moodo icon located on the home screen. Additionally, a new main menu page has been incorporated into Chatbot Moodo, offering a range of options to enhance efficiency and make access more straightforward. Moodo, the friendly character, is always eager to assist users to the best of its abilities.

2023 Improvements
Advanced feature


Moodo has been enhanced to provide users with activity summarization. Moodo now queries users about their interest in viewing these insights. It is capable of displaying any missed activities that the user had not yet recorded. Additionally, Moodo can detect when the user has forgotten to journal and provides encouragement to ensure the journal is properly maintained.

2023 Improvements

Various community to join

In addition to exercise recommendations, Moodo now offers suggestions for various communities. It presents information about each club, including the club's name, the availability of open spots, the number of members, and a brief description of the community. Users can effortlessly swipe to join a community if they find it of interest.

Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract

Design Process

Main Goal

This study centers on delivering a reading book application to users, enabling them to establish a goal of reading more books wherever they may be.

  • Set a monthly goal
  • Set challenges to users; listening for 30 minutes? A smile sticker is given, and if not, a sad sticker instead
  • Joining a book club in virtual with other people
  • Notification alarms if readers don’t read

Research Questions

The discovery of the project "Read-It" study began with these questions.

  • How many books do people read a month?
  • Why is reading important to many people?
  • How to speed up reading skills and observe the key value point of books?
  • Has a book ever changed people’s lives?
  • Why don’t some people read books?
  • Why do some people choose to read?
  • What do people find enjoyable about reading? Frustration?
  • Where do people usually discover new books? Bookstores? Online? Social media?

Methodology / Participants

#1. Diary Studies

Looking for a contextual understanding of three to four participant’s behaviors and experiences over time.

#2. User Surveys

To help gather information and reviews from various people remotely since it’s hard to meet in-person because of Covid-19.


Understand Participants

Empathy Research

Diary Studies


Feature Matrix

I assessed three competitors of a reading application by applying the 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design, aiming to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors.

Heuristic Evaluation

Conducted a heuristic evaluation specifically on the Goodreads application. Goodreads is designed for book enthusiasts who want to engage with others while enjoying their favorite books. It offers a shared community where users can provide feedback, reviews, and ratings. Goodreads is available for free download and boasts a rating of 4.7 stars on the Apple App Store and 3.7 stars on the Google Play Store.

While the app excels in creating a vibrant book-loving community, it might pose some challenges for new users who are primarily interested in reading physical books. This is because the app predominantly offers book reviews and interactions with other users, rather than providing access to the books themselves.


Sketched out key features in eight minutes. In the second round I was able to add more details to the key features.

Crazy Eight #1

Crazy Eight #2

Task Flows

I focused on task flows to identify the specific actions that users would perform on each page.


Content & Feature Requirements

Primary User Task 1:

Stella intends to personalize a reading genre by selecting books that align with her preferences.
Pages to Design: Home Page > User Trend > Bookshelf

Primary User Task 2:

Stella utilizes notification alarms to allocate her time effectively between reading and work, enabling her to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Pages to Design: Home Page > Setting > Alarm

Primary User Task 3:

Stella is interested in becoming a part of a book club community to enhance her reading experience.
Pages to Design: Home Page > Community > Confirmation Letter

Page 1


Page requirement: 

Users can log in with a username and password, email or social platforms (Google, Apple, Facebook)

How to achieve this requirement:

Design easily recognizable icons for popular social platforms, and incorporate a "Save Password" feature for future convenience.

Page Features, Actions and Content:

Login, new registration options (social platforms or register with email), Forgot username & password options, and save password for future use

Page 2

Home page

Page requirement: 

Upon logging in, the main page prominently displays a variety of books categorized by genres and those the user has expressed interest in. Additionally, a search box tool is located at the top of the app for easy access.

How to achieve this requirement:

The user's main page offers lists of books they are currently reading, books they want to read, and recommendations based on their previous book choices. At the top of the page, a search box tool is available for quick searches. For user convenience, major menus are positioned at the bottom for easy navigation and control.

Page Features, Actions and Content:

The main page features a search bar, essential menus (Community, Feed, Rewards, and Profile), book recommendations, options to add books to one's "Wants to Read" list, a selection of suggested books for potential future reading, and categorization of books into various genres.

Page 3

User Trend / Profile

Page requirement: 

On this page, users can access detailed lists of the books they are currently reading, books they want to read, and customize their profile by selecting specific genres that align with their interests. It offers a more comprehensive view compared to the home page.

How to achieve this requirement:

This page is thoughtfully designed to present users with a comprehensive view of their reading history. It displays the books they've already read, the books they plan to read next, and a graphical representation of their reading trends based on their interests.

Page Features, Actions and Content:

This page allows users to choose genre categories, explore trend graphs based on their reading habits, access subcategories within genres, and navigate through sections like "Current," "Future," "Trend," and "Recommendations" via a user-friendly navigation bar.

Page 4


Page requirement: 

This page is designed to give users a clear and efficient way to view the list of books they've read within their personal space. It also emphasizes their intention to read books within the sub-category they've expressed interest in.

How to achieve this requirement:

The layout provides a clear and detailed design, offering users ample space to organize their personal bookshelf. Books are automatically added as users start reading them. Moreover, users have the flexibility to customize their bookshelf by creating and grouping new categories that align with their specific interests.

Page Features, Actions and Content:

List of books, sub categories, groups, names, add and remove books, update, create new shelf

Page 5


Page requirement: 

Users have the flexibility to personalize their alarm settings to receive notifications for the start of their reading sessions. Additionally, they can set a reading duration timer to help them manage and complete their reading within a specified time frame.

How to achieve this requirement:

User-friendly alarm system that is simple to set and edit. Alarm lists are saved for future use, ensuring ease of access and convenience for users.

Page Features, Actions and Content:

Type or scroll numbers to set alarm; option bar (for daily, weekend, all 7 day, or selected days); save button

Page 6


Page requirement: 

Features a straightforward and user-friendly community system that allows users to easily join and interact with others who share their reading interests. This enables meaningful interactions based on common reading choices and preferences.

How to achieve this requirement:

The simple introductory page offers guidelines on how to join the community, providing information about reading schedules, discussions, opinions, date periods, the title of the book, the number of community members, an introduction to the book and its author, as well as a selection of reviews to help users get started and participate in the community effectively.

Page Features, Actions and Content:

Book cover, title, author, information about selected community, button to join community, schedule, frequently asked questions, and previous page for other options

User Attributes

Wireframe Sketches

Rough sketches of each screen to explore a wide range of ideas and iterate through them before transitioning to the digital design phase.

Task 1

The user wants to add books to a personal library

Task 2

User wants to set the reading alarm and timer to read routinely

Task 3

User wants to join a Book club community to make reading interesting

Grid System

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Designed initial low-fidelity wireframes to create simple and interactive models, offering a basic visualization of what the product might look like. These wireframes serve as a foundational step in the design process.

Screener Questions

Following the creation of low-fidelity wireframes, I conducted screener questions to gain insights into user interactions and behaviors when it comes to the intersection of technology and reading. This process helps in understanding user preferences and needs.

Paper Prototyping Testing & Results

I initiated prototype testing to gain a deeper understanding of user expectations. This testing process helped establish the concept and further develop the initial framework with real users, ensuring that the product meets their needs and expectations.

Medium-Fidelity Wireframes

The feedback received during the prototype testing phase yielded valuable insights that shaped the product's development. Users' input highlighted areas for improvement and helped refine the user experience, ensuring the product meets their needs and expectations.

Style Guide

Gathered inspirational elements (color palette, typography, and style components) to plan for visual hierarchy and to maintain the consistency of a project.


Style guide

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Knox Capture

My Role
Progressed from a UI/UX Design Intern to a Junior UI/UX Designer within the Mobile Platform Solutions team at Samsung Research America, leveraging my internship experience to take on more advanced responsibilities and contribute to key projects.

My Deliverables

App Design & Creative Direction


Figma, Prototyping, FigJam, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Jira


2022 ~ Present

My journey from intern to UX designer at SRA

Beginning in the spring of 2022, I started my journey with Samsung Research America as a UX Design Intern and have since progressed to a UI/UX Designer within the Mobile Platform Solutions team. Our team is at the forefront of advancing mobile technology and enhancing Samsung’s mobile product offerings. As part of the Knox Suite, our Knox products are integral to delivering comprehensive enterprise mobility solutions, including device security, deployment, management, and analysis.

Throughout my time with the MPS team, I have led the design and prototyping of key Knox products, including Knox Capture, the Managed Service Portal, and Knox Asset Intelligence.

Main Projects

Design lead

As the design lead of Knox Capture and Managed Service Portal, my role encompasses a range of responsibilities. These include shaping end-to-end user experience journeys and designing user interfaces for Android mobile and web platforms. I specialize in creating high-fidelity designs and various UI elements, such as GUIs. I work closely with the UX team to incorporate creative and innovative features and functionalities into the user interface. Additionally, I foster strong collaborative relationships with technical product managers, product managers, UX researchers, UX writers, and developers to ensure the delivery of an exceptional user experience.

Knox Client Revamp

I am currently collaborating with UX designers to improve and revamp the mobile client-side user experience. The primary goal of this improvement is to align the UI elements with Samsung's One UI system, ultimately enhancing the end-user's experience.


Since the beginning of my internship up to the present moment, I've been assisting the team with prototyping their products. There are two specific products that need prototypes to allow the sales team to familiarize themselves and acquire knowledge by interacting with the product portal before the products are released.

Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract

Let's build interactive website, but first...

Design Goal

The website I aimed to create emphasizes a minimalist design, prioritizing an easily accessible view of furniture images. Upon clicking an image, I intended to showcase comprehensive product information. The product details page features a straightforward and uncluttered layout, ensuring clarity and simplicity for the client's understanding. This contemporary furniture website not only presents product information but also allows users to add items to their cart, apply filters to view products from newest to oldest or least expensive to most expensive, adjust quantities, and select from available color options. Additionally, clients can review the contents of their cart, and the website automatically calculates the total based on the quantities the client has specified.

A simplified workflow

Information Architecture

Building the substructure

Low-fidelity Wireframes

Based on the structure outlined in the site map, I initially created low-fidelity screens to visualize the general aesthetics and content layout. This helped ensure that all essential features were accounted for. The wireframes provided a foundational framework before I commenced the development of the fully interactive website. As I progressed with building the interactive site, these initial low-fidelity wireframes served as a constant point of reference.

Design Highlight

"The primary feature centers around the homepage, allowing users to browse recommended and trending furniture on a single page. On the detailed product page, users can customize their selections, add items to their cart, and adjust the furniture's color and quantity to their preferences."

Design Highlight

Upon finalizing their furniture selections, users will proceed to the checkout page. Here, they can review and complete their purchase for the chosen items.

Design Highlight

The admin page empowers administrators to efficiently handle all furniture-related tasks from a single interface. They have the ability to modify product names, prices, quantities, descriptions, and images for the furniture. Additionally, administrators can introduce new products and remove those that are no longer in stock.

Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract

Let's build an interactive app, but first...

Design Goal

The primary objective of this application is to monitor and pinpoint the trash locations. The map should clearly highlight areas with significant trash accumulation, emphasizing the need for heightened attention. Additionally, the app aims to encourage users to assist their communities by reporting any trash they come across. The interface should be simple, transparent, and user-friendly, ensuring that anyone encountering litter in their vicinity can easily contribute to locating and addressing it. Ultimately, this app serves as a crucial initiative to promote a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment, setting the journey towards a happier, cleaner Earth.  

A simplified workflow

Information Architecture

Building the substructure

Low-fidelity Wireframes

Once I finalized the fundamental architecture of the app, I generated low-fidelity wireframes to provide a basic representation of the content layout and component placement for when the app is developed. These wireframes served as a guide, clearly outlining where each element should be positioned on each page. This approach allowed me to concentrate on the coding, programming, and data aspects without the need to worry about the design and visualization aspects, as the skeletal structure was already in place. This efficient workflow significantly saved me valuable time in the development process.


The Clean-It app provides a smooth registration process, enabling users to effortlessly sign up or sign in. As part of the registration, users confirm their password. If there's a discrepancy in the password entries, an error message promptly notifies the user.

Main feature: Add trash

The Clean-It app utilizes the Google Maps API to enable users to seamlessly add details about trash items they come across on the streets. Users can upload images, specify the type of trash, note the date and time of discovery, record the estimation of the weight, and provide descriptions. Additionally, the app allows users to accurately set the location of the trash they found, providing a seamless experience. Users can easily zoom in and out on the map and precisely mark the location by setting a pin.

Trash list

Users can access a list of trash items people discovered on the streets displayed on the map within the Clean-It app. This feature empowers users to contribute to road cleanliness and enhance neighborhood safety by taking note of the items in the trash list. The list showcases the added trash items complete with images, aiding users in identifying and participating in community cleanup efforts.

Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract

Before rebranding...

Why Food Does Matter restaurant?

I used to believe that vegan foods were synonymous with being healthy, organic, and lacking in deliciousness, mainly intended for vegetarians. Being a fan of meat, fish, and eggs, I had reservations about trying vegan foods due to this perception of them being overly health-focused and organic. Regrettably, this was a misunderstanding on my part. My perspective shifted after experiencing "Food Does Matter," which showcased that vegan foods can be both nutritious and incredibly flavorful. This eye-opening experience led me to visit the restaurant frequently, realizing that vegan options could be just as tasty and satisfying as their non-vegan counterparts. I was especially amazed by the creativity in crafting a burger without meat and the delightful ketchup made from a variety of vegetables, including beet. This restaurant truly altered my perception of vegan cuisine, making me consider adopting a vegetarian lifestyle if the food is as delicious as what "Food Does Matter" has to offer.

Let's do some background research

Food Does Matter

“In line with the trend of vegetarianism around the world, we prepared vegetarian dining that anyone can enjoy deliciously without difficulty.” - FDM Owner Park Tae Kwon
Interior & Vibe

"Food Does Matter" is a chic and contemporary vegan restaurant situated in Seorae Village, Seoul. The tables are tastefully crafted using a combination of stones, marbles, and wood, adding to the modern aesthetic. The interior exudes a bright ambiance that imparts a sense of warmth, inviting guests to enjoy their dining experience.
Overall comment: "Food Does Matter" offers a delightful blend of casual elegance, making it a fine dining destination accessible and enjoyable for all.


The menu at "Food Does Matter" is thoughtfully crafted using recyclable paper, and it provides a comprehensive description of the offerings, complete with visually appealing images to enhance the dining experience.

Overall Experience & Impression

Is it worth the price? Absolutely. While "Food Does Matter" is on the higher end in terms of cost, it's justified by the exceptional effort and use of high-quality organic ingredients that go into crafting each dish. The dedication to providing a top-tier dining experience and promoting sustainability through their menu makes the price well worth it.

Is it a Fusion? Indeed, "Food Does Matter" can be classified as a fusion restaurant, blending elements from both American and Korean cuisines to create a unique and distinctive dining experience. The menu's diversity, incorporating Korean-inspired sauces and innovative items like bean-based hamburger buns, exemplifies this fusion approach.

Did you liked the Food & Experience? It was fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at "Food Does Matter"! It completely shifted my perception of vegan cuisine. The staff members were exceptionally friendly, and what stood out the most was the outstanding quality of the food at this restaurant!

Not like about...? The price point at "Food Does Matter" is on the higher side. Additionally, it's common to encounter long wait times during my visits, indicating its popularity and demand among people.

Logo Sketch & forbidden logos

I aimed to design a logo for "Food Does Matter" restaurant that conveys the message of organic and healthy dining to customers. Additionally, I focused on creating a logo that is visually appealing and provides a sense of comfort, making it easy for customers to comprehend and connect with.

Final logo variations
Design Concept
Interactive Design & iPad Horizontal view

"Food Does Matter is an up-and-coming restaurant focused on providing a top-notch dining experience to its customers. In order to enhance this experience, I have revamped the menu by introducing iPads for each customer, allowing them to browse through the menu at their own pace without feeling rushed. This interactive menu redesign is aimed at optimizing the ordering process, enabling customers to explore the menu comprehensively, select items, add them to their cart, and complete the ordering and payment seamlessly. Additionally, customers will have the convenience of tracking the estimated time remaining for their food to be served at their table."

Food Does Matter Website

Just like many restaurants have their dedicated websites providing essential information such as background details, menu offerings, location, and reservation options, I took the initiative to create the "Food Does Matter" website. This was an exhilarating endeavor as they didn't have an online presence before, making it a completely novel venture. My goal was to craft a comprehensive website that could offer customers a wide array of useful information. Initially, I began by carefully outlining the information architecture to determine precisely what was essential for this restaurant. Following this, I delved into the website's design phase.

Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract


To develop the museum's guidelines, I initiated the process by delving into logo exploration. Prior to designing the logo, I conducted research on colors, typefaces, and generated multiple logo sketches, which were later refined to arrive at the final logo.

Poster Design

Commencing with inspirational posters, I crafted a distinctive museum poster that encapsulates the theme and identity of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul.

Website view

The website offers a comprehensive experience, featuring up-to-date information on ongoing exhibitions. Additionally, it hosts an online museum where viewers can virtually explore exhibits. Furthermore, it boasts a news magazine section for art enthusiasts seeking articles about artists and their artworks.

Mobile view

Knox Capture


  • App Design & Creative Direction


  • Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


  • 2023 ~ Ongoing
My Role

Project Abstract

What is the single idea you want the viewer to come away with?

Make your trip the most pleasant experience from start to finish.

What is the problem?

People frequently experience stress related to their airport encounters. Some may arrive excessively early due to concerns about missing their flight, while others might arrive late due to not accounting for heavy traffic. Late arrivals at the airport can induce worry, especially when faced with long lines at security checkpoints.

What is your solution?
  • Scan the flight information/ticket before the travel
  • A notification alarm is set to remind the user about their flight one day before the scheduled departure, ensuring that they are well-informed about their flight itinerary.
  • On the day of the journey, monitor traffic conditions and send a notification to the user approximately three hours before their flight departure, indicating it's time to begin their journey to the airport.
  • If the user arrives late, the system detects the delay and offers an option for the user to request assistance in getting expedited access to the security check line. Subsequently, the app signals a green light to notify the security officer that this user is in a significant hurry.
  • Following the security check, the app utilizes a navigation system to guide the user to their designated gate.
Initial concept building...


Before developing the concepts for the user experience flow, my initial step involved creating a storyboard. This step was particularly thrilling as the project primarily aimed to address 'what if' challenges. The storyboard allowed me to visually express all of my creative ideas, exploring various solutions to optimize the user's travel experience before, and after their journey.

Let's have mobile screens ready


Drawing from the initial phase of conceptualization, identifying problems, and referencing the mood board, I've developed a creative yet practical solution. "Airy" is designed to enhance users' travel experiences by ensuring safety and convenience. To achieve this, I've conceptualized and crafted a mobile application, placing "Airy" right at users' fingertips. This imaginative mobile app solution is further showcased through a captivating motion graphic video that narrates the traveler's entire journey.

Getting ready for a video...

The mobile screen designs are now complete, I've outlined the scripts to prepare for the creation of the motion graphic video. I've taken into consideration the entire journey, starting from when users are at home, all the way through their airport experience, ensuring a well-thought-out process in the script. Every step of the process has been carefully considered and detailed within the script.

Knox Capture

My Role
I was the design lead on this project, collaborating with Product Managers, UX researchers, UX writers, Engineers on rolling out exciting new features.

I was responsible for crafting seamless user experiences and designing intuitive interfaces. My work was driven by a commitment to enhancing usability through continuous iteration informed by user research and customer insights.

My Deliverables

App Design & Creative Direction


Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, JIRA


2023 ~ Ongoing
What is Knox Capture?

A smartphone and scanner in one

Knox Capture is a powerful barcode scanning app designed to help businesses seamlessly capture, process, and transfer data to their devices. With a growing number of users needing Knox Capture to scan barcodes at work, it became essential for us to enhance and develop features that enable frontline workers to fully leverage the app's capabilities, making their experience smoother and more intuitive.

Problem Space

Today, Knox Capture promises seamless integration of smartphone and scanner functionality, yet many admins and workers aren't fully utilizing the features designed to make scanning effortless.

The challenge is to evolve Knox Capture in a way that guides users effectively while ensuring they experience the intuitive and seamless scanning we originally envisioned.

User research & Key takeaways ❋❋❋

After the product launch...

We tested the live version in the Play Store along with the beta version with new features. This helped us identify usability issues and validate the assumptions made during the design process.
We conducted ten interviews {IT admins from retail, manufacturing, and medical & Frontline workers (backroom/warehouse) from retail}.

We realized...

Many participants tried to skip through the initial tooltip tutorial without reading it to the end. They skimmed the support page documents for about 43 seconds and tried to figure out the various features on their own, without taking the time to thoroughly learn about the product.

Concept Explorations

Unique Challenge

The goal of Knox Capture is to enable IT admins to easily configure scan settings, test them, and deploy them in bulk to workers' phones.
For frontline workers, the goal is to maintain a seamless scanning experience without any slowdowns.

❋ Therefore, we've improved the tutorial to provide IT admins with clearer and more comprehensive guidance.

❋ For workers, we've made the scanning experience more intuitive, transforming a utilitarian task into a simple and effortless process.

Design Principles ❋❋❋

#1 Clarity

Cleary guide the admins/workers in discovering new features, unique points, and how to use the Knox Capture app

#2 Convenience

Make it effortless for admins to configure settings and seamless for workers to begin scanning across various work environments

#3 Competence

Ensure the workforce is well-versed in methods for working faster, increasing productivity, and efficiency to enhance overall workforce satisfaction

#4 Consistency

Align the design system and visual language with other Samsung apps, such as Knox Asset Intelligence, Knox Configure, and Knox Manage Enrollment, to create a unified experience.


Animated/Contextual Education

✦ Visually demonstrate what Knox Capture provides and helping users understand the app’s functionality better.

✦ Captures users’ attention more effectively than static content, making the experience more engaging.

Explore page with tips

✦ Access helpful information right away, reducing frustration and easier to get started.

✦ Encourage users to discover and utilize more features of the app.

✦ Make the most of the app’s functionality, increasing their confidence (likely to continue using it).

Real-time scanned data

✦ Receive immediate feedback, allowing them to quickly see the results.

✦ Dynamic, real-time interactions keep users engaged.

✦ Scanned data meets their needs or if any adjustments are required, leading to quicker decision-making.

Knox Capture Achievements -

Knox Capture was honored with the prestigious 2024 iF Design Award.

I also successfully submitted multiple patents related to scanning solutions and AR scan experiences.

Knox Capture continues to grow, with plans to further enhance the user experience and make interactions even easier for users.

Client Revamp

Knox clients include: Knox Asset Intelligence, Knox Mobile Enrollment, Knox Configure, and Knox E-FOTA
My Role
As the Design Lead on this project, I worked closely with Product Managers, UX Researchers, UX Writers, and Engineers to deliver an exciting revamp for various Knox clients.

My responsibilities began with the enrollment screens, where I led the effort to design and refine seamless user experiences and consistent interfaces. We focused on enhancing visual elements and improving usability by incorporating user research, customer insights, and Samsung’s OneUI design system.

My Deliverables

Android Design, Consistent Design System & Creative Direction


Figma, Prototyping, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, JIRA


02/2024 ~ Ongoing

Before Diving into the Knox Revamp

Prototyping "Knox Asset Intelligence" for Market Readiness

During my internship, I created prototypes for Knox Asset Intelligence to prepare for market release, which helped the sales team familiarize themselves with the products and gain insights through the product portal. This experience deepened my understanding of Knox and enabled me to start the revamp of all Knox clients.

The Narrative

Problem statement

The current Knox enrollment process on devices is fragmented and inefficient, requiring administrators to spend considerable time setting up each device. After enrollment, multiple clients are available for the end user to interact with Knox functionality, leading to a disjointed experience.

Our goal is to streamline the Knox suite enrollment process for all clients, creating a unified interface. We aim to provide a single, streamlined interface that allows users to access all Knox functionalities from one place, enhancing efficiency and user experience.

Pain points & Needs ❋❋❋

1. Visual Fragmentation

The KAI, EFOTA, KC, and KME clients appear visually disconnected and do not present a unified experience under the Knox Suite.

2. Complex Enrollment Workflow

The Knox enrollment process is overly complex, requiring users to navigate through more than 20 screens and make over 10 clicks. This excessive number of steps can discourage users and lead to abandonment during enrollment.

3. Lengthy Enrollment Process

Due to the complexity of the enrollment process, the required time can be excessively long. User research has shown that device enrollment typically takes 20 to 30 minutes, depending on factors such as SUW, EMM, network speed, APK downloads, and any errors encountered.

4. Lack of unified interface for all Knox Suite Clients

After enrolling in Knox, each app must be managed individually, which requires IT admins to download each app separately when handling all products within the Knox Suite.


Phase 1: One UI Design System Update - Enrollment Optimization

Given that merging all Knox clients into a single system requires thorough research and significant support from the development team, we have decided to proceed step by step.

In phase one, we will focus on streamlining the enrollment stage using the latest OneUI Samsung design system.

Phase 2: Streamline the Knox Asset Intelligence Client experience

After updating the enrollment screens, we focused on revamping Knox Asset Intelligence.
Following enrollment, users interact with various clients to access Knox features.

Just like with the enrollment screens, we addressed issues with the outdated KAI client UI, reorganized the information architecture, and made it easier to access information directly from the home page.

Please note that the following screens are preliminary concepts and are not final. We plan to enhance them further once development resources become available and after conducting more comprehensive user research and testing.

Final phase: Unify All Knox Clients into One Integrated Service

The final phase of the Knox client revamp will streamline Knox Suite enrollment across all products and clients, creating a unified interface. This will offer users a single access point for all Knox functionalities on their devices and support self-service capabilities.

The integrated Knox Suite client will also benefit administrators who may not be fully aware of all the products included in their Knox license. By providing a consolidated view, it will boost product awareness, drive adoption, and improve customer retention. Additionally, this integration will enhance cross-product functionality, enabling different Knox solutions to work together more effectively and increase overall utility.

Other work

Want to create something awesome? Drop me an email.
